One of the exciting experiences of being in Belize is tasting the FOOD. Anywhere you go you will find rice and beans or beans and rice, BBQ chicken, stewed chicken, panades, garnaches, tamales, salbutes, caldo, hudut, fried jacks and beans, escabeche….YUM! I am getting hungry already. I wonder why I gained all this weight!!!!
Actually I love all of the above, but I want to talk about unique FOODS that I thought I would never want to taste , let alone eat…..I am talking about stewed iguana (bamboo chicken) with its eggs.. or a BBQ gibnut (the Royal rat which was served to the Queen when she came and visited Belize) or stewed armadillo….. Mr. Len, Dr. Sue’s husband went hunting with Mr Rudy and caught an armadillo and we feasted on this with the students. It was a palate savoring experience for me eating a stewed armadillo. Probably more exciting for Mr. Len as that it was the first time he ever went armadillo hunting (or even hunting period).
So, don’t judge a game meat by what you see…it does taste good.
Soooo, when you are offered to eat a cow foot soup, or stewed beans with pigtail or chicken foot tamales….remember what I told you….Taste it first and ENJOY!!!!
Maria making mashed cassava.
Len and Rudy after pulling the armadillo out of its burrow.

Armadillo fruit salad creation by Mr. Len.Examples of Gibnuts.
Examples of green iguanas.