Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Garifuna Settlement Day / Culture Day

November 19 was Garifuna Settlement Day. This is a special day for the school because the entire student body parades out to the dock for the renachment of the first boat that brought the Garifuna who came from St. Vincent island. At the base of the dock some of the Garifuna students await for the arrival of the boat accompanied with Garifuna drummers. On the boat are students and adults also accompanied by Garifuna drummers. The 19th of November is also T.C.C's culture day. Students are encourage to wear their cultural atire which makes up a very diverse student body. There are Mopan Mayans, Ketchi Mayans, Garifuna, Mestizo, Mennonite, Creole, and East Indian that were all represented that day. The school also had some open booths of some of the different cultures that were open to students to explore and learn. The third picture is of my homeroom teacher she is wearing her Garifuna atire, and her daughter also Garifuna but representing Mopan Maya.